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Die - cutting machine in the die - cutting mode of the best choice

SOURCE: tangyazhongSENTIMENT:Published time:2019-07-05

The cost per thousand pieces of paper die - cutting (CPM) as an economic indicator, can help carton processing plants for a specific live part to choose the best tool. Only by understanding the quantitative characteristics of CPM and combining with other important indicators can we work with higher efficiency.

1. Installation and ready to use die cutting method, installation and ready time is also very large. If sorted by time, the entity die cut the shortest, the plate die cut next, followed by the entity die cut, and finally the paper die cut. Generally speaking, the installation time of blanking is relatively short, the technology is not complicated, and the machine adjustment is very few, suitable for general personnel to use. Pressure cutting is more complex, requiring operators with rich professional experience and a high degree of proficiency.

2. Working speed in general, rotary table installation and debugging, the working speed is very fast. But the general novice is willing to use that kind of slower drum die cutting, and adopt this kind of die cutting after a stripping separation process, also known as the stripping machine. Machines to make a few small gap, sometimes help machine will the rest of the paper together with the die cutting molding material to under a strip of paper together working procedure, but sometimes these small gaps tend to affect the working speed of the whole machine, so the die cutting machine manufacturers are now generally not setting up these small mouth they die cutting machine, the process completely to the user, so user operation proficiency differences in user die cutting/stripping did a lot of different speed. Of course, there is a less economical way, is to pre-process all the cardboard into a rough outline, then die cutting, so the remaining materials can be arranged in a unified way, there is no need to use this small gap. But this way of working on the cardboard utilization rate is low, more suitable for short printing.

3. Skilled workers obviously, the operation of the workers on the selection of the right die cutting tools is a very important factor. At present, most of the rotary table die cutting machine novice is from the physical die cutting equipment, more and more complex, step by step to use this machine. Human factors can not be ignored, because the learning process caused by the loss of downtime, no matter how to say it is far greater than any die cutting method or method improvement can produce benefits. Starting from the simplest way, operators can continuously increase confidence and accumulate experience, and the company's products can also show the best stability, correspondingly, the trust and support of users will continue to increase.

Each machine needs supporting equipment to complete the corresponding work. Specific equipment according to the selected die - cutting operation or method. The following list for the die - cutting machine selected by the usual use of equipment. * solid die cutting machine: stripping needle, stripping comb and die cutting gear device; * web die cutting machine: magnetic drum, paper stripping machine roller, paper stripping needle, paper stripping comb and die cutting gear device; * solid die-cutting machine: stripping needle, stripping comb, bearing, bearing sleeve and die cutting gear device; * drum plate pressure cutting machine: magnetic drum, paper stripper roller, paper stripper needle, paper stripper comb, bearing, bearing sleeve and die cutting gear, etc. Note: the magnetic drum mentioned above is a general type of equipment, do not have to be specially configured for each die-cutting machine; And bearing, bearing sleeve must be based on different die cutting equipment to choose different products, belong to the special supporting device.

5. Service and training provided by the supplier although each supplier usually only sells a certain kind of die cutting machine, but they provide supporting services and training evaluation is essential. Sometimes a machine is the best choice in terms of technical performance, but the lack of services and training can make the factory make another choice. When dealing with new suppliers, it is important to know about their past to ensure that they can provide the services they need for their products in the future.

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